Feeling: Pretty good. I've been having muscle spasms in my belly lately, so that's been fun...or something.
I skipped last week's gender prediction post...whoops! We don't have internet at home anymore, so that makes it hard to blog. I mean, blogging from my phone isn't fun. I'm doing that today, so forgive any mistakes!
Tomorrow is our big ultrasound! I've had two dreams this week that the baby is a girl. In each of these dreams, someone else has told me this after the baby was born. I keep dreaming that I don't remember anything about labor/delivery from the first contraction to hours after delivery. It's awful! I would hate to not remember meeting my child!
Alright, so my last gender predictor is going to be our intuition. I don't think that either Matt or I have a strong feeling one way or another, but we both would guess that the baby is a girl. I thought Bennett was a girl, but for different reasons. Matt thought Bennett was a boy the whole time.
Here's why I think the baby is a girl:
1. I've been sicker than I was with Bennett. Not terribly sick, but definitely sicker.
2. I feel like I'm getting w i d e. I've heard a lot of people say wider=girl & straight out=boy.
3. Bennett is adamant that it is a girl. He's never said it was a boy. Not once.
4. Sweets. I like 'em. A lot.
5. I've broken out all over my face &back over &over. Girls steal your beauty, you know.
6. We've agreed hon a boy name, but aren't even in the same ball park on a girl's name. We had the opposite issue while pregnant with Bennett.
Of course, it's entirely possible that we could be wrong &little Super Car could be a boy. If you'd asked me at the beginning of this pregnancy what gender I wanted, I would've quickly said "girl!" &then something about being happy either way. But now? I really will be happy either way. Yes, we would love a girl. Bennett would be an awesome big brother for a girl. He's so compassionate &gentle. We've always said if we could pick our children's birth order, it would be boy, girl, boy, boy. Those last few kids are hypothetical, of course.
I really will be excited if the ultrasound shows a little boy in there, though. I LOVE the boys name we have picked out &the little boy we already have is awesome. I totally think I could handle 2 boys just as easily as one of each. Especially if they're as awesome as Bennett is.
My appointment is at 11:00 tomorrow morning. We're hoping to fill the rest of the afternoon shopping for the yarn for the baby's blanket that I'll knit (Bennett sleeps with his every night) &an outfit or two. We'll get together with our families tomorrow night to celebrate Matt's birthday (which is today...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HUSBAND!) &share what we find out. I'll let you all know after that! Pray with us that baby cooperates &has all it's correct parts functioning in all the correct places!
Feel free to comment with your guess! Boy or girl?!